Nature’s Sweetest Gift…Pure Maple Syrup!


Pure maple syrup is one of nature’s sweetest gifts. Boiling down the sap of the maple tree makes pure maple syrup. Pure maple syrup is produced in the northern United States and Canada during the early spring months. Minnesota is one of the seventeen states and three provinces that produce pure maple syrup.

Pure maple syrup is a “natural” food that contains nothing artificial, no additives, no colorings, or preservatives. The main sugar in pure maple syrup is sucrose. Small amounts of fructose and glucose are found in the darker grades of syrup.

   Anderson's Pure Maple Syrup

The total solids in maple syrup are sixty-six percent [66%]. A gallon of pure maple syrup weighs 11 pounds. Maple syrup caloric value is 40 calories per tablespoon.

Maple syrup contains a variety of minerals including: calcium, potassium, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and others. Vitamins including: niacin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, biotin and folic acid can be found in maple syrup.

Table grades of maple syrup established by the U.S. Department of Agriculture include-Light Amber with a delicate maple flavor. Medium Amber has a stronger maple flavor and is the choice of many consumers. Dark Amber is used in many recipes. Maple syrup products can be used to replace other sweeteners in recipes


Baking with Maple Syrup
For every cup of sugar, substitute 3/4 cup to 1-1/2 cups of maple syrup, and reduce the dominant liquid in the recipe by 2-4 tablespoons